Monday, January 31, 2011

Book Review

I just finished a book entitled Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. I cannot speak highly enough of it. It was an amazing story of his journey to find out why his foot hurt and the people he met along the way. It was very insightful and inspiring to me. I encourage you to read it! I am looking for other inspirational running books, so if you know of any, let me know. I run in the Cleveland 1/2 marathon in 103 days!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year!

A new beginning, a fresh start, and a clean slate are just a few adjectives to describe the New Year. I feel it is truly all of them. I have written my goals down, because if I do not, they are only wishes! Of course, the list is a mile long of all the things I want to try, accomplish, overcome and change in my life; but one day at a time :)

Talking about trying new things, yesterday I attended my first cycling class ever. I have never been quite found of cycling, for I would rather run; but to my amazement, it was an incredible workout. I love it!

School is back in session until May. The school year is flying by so quickly. I am learning so much about myself. While in college, I was taught how to teach, but through teaching my students, I have taught myself.
I hope that this year, you and I can continue to teach ouselves many new things and learn from others as well.

Best Wishes for the New Year!