Sunday, March 13, 2011

Healthy Teachers - Healthy Schools Contest

The county that I teach in is having a contest between area local schools. The contest is based upon which school team (consisting of teachers) loses the greatest percentage of their starting weight. The grand prize is $500! I decided to join the team. Why? not sure, because I refuse to weigh myself or let anyone, that is know how much I weigh. But, I could lose some weight. (I am not at what you could say a "feel great weight.") It has been two weeks since the initial weigh-in. The midpoint weigh-in is between Mar. 21-25. However, there is a weekly weigh-in. It is designed to check in with yourself to ensure you are making adequate progress.

I am not so excited to weigh myself this week. It has not been a very good week in regards to eating healthily. I have been running and/or walking but afraid I have had too much to eat. I guess I will see tomorrow. It is a new week, so it will be better.

Do you ever have a day or a week where you eat foods that are not so healthy? Is it alright to make a few mistakes? Why do we  feel so terrible about making "poor" food choices?

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