This morning on my desk at school, was a card and inside it was a beautiful message along with a bag that contained Bath and Body Works lotion and shower gel. I almost began to cry.
Yesterday, at school was difficult. I wanted to run away and never come back. I wondered if I was any good, important, valuable, etc. I came home, put on my running clothes and went out for a run. Unfortunately, my shin began to hurt on mile 2, so I walked the other 2. I could have keep going but my shin was too sore to go on any further. I thought that if I walked, the pain would all go away, but it didn't. When I returned home, I cried like I have never cried before - my eyes were swollen, my voice was hoarse, my whole body ached. My husband had to work late so I did not have a hug or kiss last night. He came home when I had already went to bed. It was a lonely night.
I cannot express how much this small gift meant to me today. I thought, how did the sender know that I needed such a thing? I may never know and that's ok. I am just grateful to know that people do care when it seems that no one does or understands.
Have you had an experience like this before? I hope so. I encourage you to not let a day pass by without saying "hello" or "thank you" or even giving a small gift to someone - you never know who you will touch.
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