Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I told myself that I was going to write about my brother's homecoming experience on Monday night, but as I am sure you know, things come up and you get so busy that before you know it, it's more than a few days later. Nonetheless, I want to share what a beautiful experience it was to see my brother. He did not change physically - he's the exact same size and all! I did notice though that his countenance was so full of light and happiness. He is not the brother whom I knew two years ago, he has changed into a young man with such faith. He had faith before his mission but this seemed different. The spirit followed through him with power and conviction.  It was so amazing to hear his testimony in Dutch (he served in the Netherlands). It was great to hear of his experiences serving and teaching, the people and the culture. It was the best homecoming ever!Actually, just in time for Christmas; it's the best Christmas ever to celebrate it with every member of the family! I wish you could have been there or if you have experienced the same you completely understand.

Friday, December 17, 2010


I love reunions, get-togethers, parties, events, and etc. Well, this weekend my family is having a reunion of sorts, a homecoming! My brother is returning home from a 2 year mission for our church -The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints tomorrow. Tonight, my husband and I are traveling home to see my family. We are meeting up with my sister and her boyfriend and other sisters at Tony Packos and then going to the Toledo Art Museum. Tommorrow then, we are picking up my brother in Detriot, MI and returning home.

It will be so exciting to see him. I cannot wait to hear his stories and testimony. His writings have shown such faith and an understanding of our Heavenly Father's Plan for each of us. I hope that my husband will feel the excitement of returning home from a mission, because he is a convert to the church and did not get the opportunity to do serve as a full time missionary. I am grateful, though, that we do not have to wear a name badge to be missionaries. We can simply be good examples of faith to those around us. However, I am sure, as my brother will tell us, being a missionary is the best things he has ever done in his life. I am grateful that he was able to go. Our family has received  many blessings from his faithful service. He is my only brother, so I feel indebted to him.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Reminder: 154 days

It just seems impossible that the Cleveland Experience is coming soon in May. I will be running in a half marathon there. A friend, who encouraged me to do so, reminded me that next month I need to register. I am not ready. I feel so inadequate. I ran during the summer and fall in various races, but have not ran in a race since Thanksgiving at a local 5K Turkey Trot. Snow has already fallen and to be honest, I do not like to run in snow or cold weather. I have been doing pilates and yoga, but it is not the same. I want to workout at the local YMCA but unfortunately, due to financial circumstances, we cannot afford it at this time. I have found that soup cans and  laundry detergent bottles are amazing weights! I look forward to going in May. I have never ran in a half marathon before, so it will be a great adventure, but I acknowledge it may be difficult. I will do my best to finish! Hurry up Spring!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Despite a rough day at school yesterday, coming home was just absolutely amazing! My mother and father in-law came to visit! It is my husband's birthday this Saturday, Dec. 11. They came to celebrate his birthday and Christmas because they are leaving for the holidays to see my brother and sister in-law and their two daughters out west.

To celebrate Joe's birthday, we ate at a local restaurant just down the street from where my husband and I live. We always walked by and talked about going but just never did. The atmosphere of the restaurant was so warm and inviting. The food was delicible - very fancy! After dinner, my husband and I briskly walked home to open Christmas gifts. I feel so greatly blessed because my gifts were not expected. One in particular surprised me the most - a rocking chair! If you want to know anything about me, it is that I love rocking chairs! Ever since I was a child, when I watched the movie, Legacy, I dreamed of having my own one day. Whoopee, that day has come! I am so grateful that I have a loving husband who remembered. (While we were dating I vaguely remember talking about it, but it must have stuck with him to put a bug in their ear :) It is gorgeous! I also received an Ipod Shuffle. Now I can run with tunes! Yeah, and not hear my heavy panting ! (lol)  I am grateful to have such wonderful in-laws who love and support me. They are too kind :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why not Me?

Do you ever have days, maybe weeks, or even months when things in life happen that you are not prepared for and leave you wondering why is this happening to me, now? I have. In fact, just today and not to forget all of last week too. It just seems like there is no break -when it rains, it truly pours!

As I left the school doors and hurried to my vehicle I noticed something was not quite right. My vehicle, which is a boat (no kidding!) leaned to the left and down, almost tilted. There was no doubt in my mind it was -well, you might have guessed it -a flat tire! After all of last weeks craziness this was not by any means what I wanted. However, I feel greatly blessed to have such a wonderful friend who drove me home. I am so indebted to her and all others who have helped support and encourage me. I cannot forget about my husband, he is always there. He is my #1 supporter :)

Ultimately though, I am grateful to my Savior who loves me and knows my needs. His tender mercies have been upon us. He has strengthen me and given me hope that all will work out for my good. I know that as we experience trials our faith grows and we become more like Him. I hope you find comfort in knowing the same.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A New Hobby!

I have determined that it is never too late to begin a new hobby, or just simply try something new. I might like it - or simply state that it is not my thing - but I do not know until I try, right? So, this is what I am going to do - learn the art of blogging! I am excited to share with all of you my experiences, and literally the runnings and ramblings of it -for some days it really is running around like crazy trying to accomplish everything and/or rambling on and on about how I wish things were different or what I can do to change.
Here it goes.... Enjoy :)